according to David how can we love ourselves?
How To Love Yourself: 15 Self-Love Tips
Have Fun By Yourself. ...
Travel Once A Year. ...
Forgive Yourself For Your Mistakes. ...
Surprise Yourself. ...
Start a Journal. ...
Give Yourself A Break. ...
Learn How To Love Yourself By Saying No To Others. ...
Make A List Of Your Accomplishments.
(1). Care as much about yourself as you do for others.
It sounds simple, but many of us simply don’t do this because we think we are being selfish or that our own needs are not important. They are. It is not selfish to care about yourself. Compassion for yourself means showing concern for your own feelings as well as for others. Treat yourself the way you would treat your children or your best friend—with gentleness, concern and caring.
(2) Maintain your boundaries.
Write a list of the things that you need emotionally, things that are important to you and that upset you or hurt your feelings when they are ignored or violated. They could include being listened to; getting sympathy when you’re hurt; being celebrated when you succeed; receiving love and tenderness without asking for it; being cared for; and knowing you can rely on someone. Whatever is important to you is important. And when someone ignores what’s important to you or crosses your boundary, you’ll know—because it hurts. Don’t ignore that. Your feelings are there to tell you what’s right and what’s wrong.
(3). Do what you need to do to be you.
First, figure out what makes you feel good. It doesn’t matter what it is, but become aware of how you feel when you do things. Do you feel exhausted at work, but exhilarated when you’re in the garden? Do you feel joyful reading to your children? Fulfilled when you are writing poetry or volunteering? Find out what makes you feel good and do it, as often as you can.