According to max weber what is the essential feature of modern bureaucracy
Features (Characteristics) Of Weber’s Bureaucracy:
Weber has given a number of features of bureaucracy. Accordingly, following features suggest the characteristics of bureaucratic organisations.
1. Administrative Class:
Bureaucratic organisations generally have administrative class responsible for maintaining coordinative activities of the members.
Main features of his class are as follows:
(i) People are paid and are whole time employees,
(ii) They receive salary and other perquisites normally based on their positions,
(iii) Their tenure in the organisation is determined by the rules and regulations of the organisation.
(iv) They do not have any proprietary interest in the organisation,
(v) They are selected for the purpose of employment based on their competence.
2. Hierarchy:
The basic feature of bureaucratic organisation is that there is hierarchy of positions in the organisation. Hierarchy is a system of ranking various positions in descending scale from top to bottom of the organisation. In bureaucratic organisation, offices also follow the principle of hierarchy that is each lower office is subject to control and supervision by higher office.
Thus, no office is left uncontrolled in the organisation. This is the fundamental concept of hierarchy in bureaucratic organisation. This hierarchy serves as lines of communication and delegation of authority. It implies that communication coming down or going up must pass through each position.
Similarly, a subordinate will get authority from his immediate superior. However, this hierarchy is net unitary but sub-pyramids of officials within the large organisation corresponding etc. functional divisions exist.
Thus, there are offices with the same amount of authority but with different kinds of functions operating in different areas of competence. For example, the Government organisations, we can observe separate offices looking after particular functions. This happens in business organisations too.
3. Division of Work.
Work of the organisation is divided on the basis of specialisation to take the advantages of division of labour. Each office in the bureaucratic organisation has specific sphere of competence.
This involves:
(i) a sphere of obligations to perform functions which has been marked off as part of a systematic division of labour;
(ii) the provision of the incumbent with necessary authority to carry out these functions; and
(iii) the necessary means of compulsion are clearly defined and their use is subject to definite conditions.