According to prof.knight the duration between two major cycles is.
0 3 to 4 years
6 to 12 years
О 5
1 to 5 years
O Upto 12 years
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According to Prof. Knight, the duration between two major cycles is 3 to 4 years.
- Professor Frank H. Knight, an American economist, is the author of this hypothesis.
- Hawley's risk-bearing theory serves as the basis for this hypothesis.
- Knight concurs with Hawley that financial gain is an incentive for taking chances.
- Risks come in two flavours: foreseeable danger and unforeseen risk.
- The unpredictable danger is referred to as uncertainty beaming, in Knight's opinion.
- Knight sees financial success as the payoff for assuming risks and uncertainties that are not insurable.
- He distinguishes between insurable risks and those that are not.
- Certain dangers can be quantified, and statistics can be used to determine the likelihood that they will occur.
- Fire, theft, flood, and accidental death hazards are all insurable.
- The insurance provider takes on these risks.
- The cost of production includes the insurance premium that was paid.
- According, to Knight, these anticipated risks are not actual economic hazards that could result in compensation in the form of profit.
- In other words, an insurable risk does not result in a profit.
- According to Prof. Knight, these risks are "uncertainties" and "profit in the appropriate usage of the term is explained by uncertainties in this sense."
- Since these risks cannot be anticipated or quantified, they cease to be insurable, and the entrepreneur must bear the uncertainty.
- Profit and assuming uncertainty are directly correlated, according to this idea.
- The level of profit increases as uncertainty bearing increases.
- In the current corporate world, uncertainty beaming has grown to be so significant that it is now regarded as a distinct element of production.
- It has a supply price like other aspects, and business owners take risks with the hope of making a specific amount of profit.
- Thus, earning money is the benefit for incurring risk.
- In the modern day, manufacturing must occur before consumption.
- The producers must deal with competing producers, and the future is unknowable and uncertain.
- These uncertainties exist.
- Some business owners can perceive it more clearly than others, which enables them to make money.
Hence, the duration between major cycles is 3 to 4 years.
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