Physics, asked by hhahwyyayyyyy, 8 months ago

According to the Classic electromagnetic theory calculate the initial frequency of the light emitted by the electron revolving around a proton in hydrogen atom ?​


Answered by Anonymous

It was Niels Bohr (1885 – 1962) who made certain modifications inthis model by adding the ideas of the newly developing quantumhypothesis. Niels Bohr studied in Rutherford’s laboratory for severalmonths in 1912 and he was convinced about the validity of Rutherfordnuclear model. Faced with the dilemma as discussed above, Bohr, in1913, concluded that in spite of the success of electromagnetic theory inexplaining large-scale phenomena, it could not be applied to the processesat the atomic scale. It became clear that a fairly radical departure fromthe established principles of classical mechanics and electromagnetismwould be needed to understand the structure of atoms and the relationof atomic structure to atomic spectra. Bohr combined classical and earlyquantum concepts and gave his theory in the form of three postulates.These are :(i)Bohr’s first postulate was thatan electron in an atom could revolvein certain stable orbits without the emission of radiant energy,contrary to the predictions of electromagnetic theory. According tothis postulate, each atom has certain definite stable states in which itcan exist, and each possible state has definite total energy. These arecalled the stationary states of the atom.

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