According to the Judeo-Christian religion, what should be the order of loyalty?
Judeo-Christian is a term which is used to group Christianity and Judaism together, either in reference to Christianity's derivation from Judaism, both religions' common use of the Bible, or due to perceived parallels or commonalities and shared values between the two religions.
The term "Judæo Christian" first appears in a letter from Alexander McCaul which is dated October 17, 1821. In this case the term referred to Jewish converts to Christianity. The term was similarly used by Joseph Wolff in 1829, in reference to a type of church that would observe some Jewish traditions in order to convert Jews.
Use of the German term Judenchristlich ("Jewish-Christian"), in a decidedly negative sense, can be found in the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, who emphasized what he believed were neglected aspects of continuity between the Jewish and Christian world views.
The concept of Judeo-Christian ethics or Judeo-Christian values in an ethical (rather than a theological or liturgical) sense was used by George Orwell in 1939, along with the phrase "the Judaeo-Christian scheme of morals."[1]
Theologian and author Arthur A. Cohen, in The Myth of the Judeo-Christian Tradition, questioned the theological validity of the Judeo-Christian concept and suggested that it was essentially an invention of American politics.
The related term "Abrahamic religions" includes Bahá'ísm, Islam, Druze etc. in addition to Judaism and Christianity
According to the Judeo-Christian religion, what should be the order of loyalty?
- The word "Judeo-Christian" entered common usage as the preferred liberal term for the notion that Jews were a part of the theological consensus that underpinned Western norms.
- The Judeo-Christian heritage, which is thought to be the foundation of Western civilisation, emphasises shared values and connected fates. Others use it for political purposes. A fundamental component of American national identity and the country's civic religion is the Judeo-Christian legacy.
- JUDEO-CHRISTIAN: The human soul is innately mortal, but immortality is "bestowed" upon it by a divine miracle, which allows the body to be raised from the dead and continue to exist alongside the soul for all eternity. (Note that Greek dualism is defeated by the Hebrew notion of psycho-physical oneness.)
- a religion that originated among the ancient Hebrews and is characterized by the belief in an one transcendent God who revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets as well as a religious life that complies with biblical teachings and rabbinic traditions.