According to the poet where darkness lie
In afternoon
I think I am not sure
the speaker states that his poem is "a dream," but "not all a dream," putting doubt on the story that will come next. The end of the world is then envisioned by the poet through a succession of social, natural, and potentially supernatural occurrences.
Men "forget their desires" (line 7) and focus solely on surviving or despair as the dark, chilly ground waned for weeks or months. They set their dwellings on fire in an effort to ward off the darkness. Burning provides light and warmth in both palaces and cottages. Men are first happy to see other faces around the flames, but as they get to know them, they start to notice such desperation in those expressions that they start to cry, grin cynically, or go insane. The creatures of the planet are also impacted, with birds dying helplessly on the ground after falling from the sky, wild animals becoming fearful, and deadly snakes losing their lethal bites. The animals become food for humans, and the people no longer have a need for them.