According To You What Is Good Life ?
Good life is that with a feel of satisfaction in every moment you face and happy at any moment that you dare enough to die.
what according to me a happy life
life is themost precious thing all people wanted in this era that they could live a luxurious life but they do not know living in a piece is only most luxury think the life is only in God hand I think that two thing in the life more enough to spend the life that is food and shelter but for these two things person has to work lot of work comes with stress stress will make life difficult so only for these two things person has to suffer very hard living food and shelter body does not need anything but for relationship person has to work if a person is in a full of relationship whether it is children wife mother father so the person had to work for other relationship is a sign of duty and duty is a sign of stress and again stress connect to difficult life person has to always do better that's because after dying we cannot take money with us only can will pure are so so living in harmony is a happy life