English, asked by monica85singh, 2 months ago

According to you, what suggestions would the Alien like the children of the world to follow to become healthy​


Answered by subhsamavartj


Sometimes scientists make guesses based on a process called “convergent evolution” on Earth. This is when different traits, such as eyes or limbs, evolve multiple times in separate groups of organisms.

Read more: Evolution tells us we might be the only intelligent life in the universe

For example, eyes have evolved independently many times on Earth, so we might think it likely that aliens have eyes. The problem is that the different species on Earth are not independent examples, because they all descended from a single common ancestor. All life on Earth is related (literally!). Eyes may be common on a bright planet like Earth, but not a dark planet. Or they may be common in DNA-based life, but not some other kind of life.

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Another option is to use chemistry and physics. Living things require lots of energy, and lots of chemical reactions. Liquid water is a particularly good place for chemical reactions. Similarly, carbon is especially good at forming the kinds of big, long, complex molecules that help support complex life forms. These are arguments in favour of looking for carbon-based life on planets where there is liquid water.

On the other hand, there are other liquids that are good alternatives to water, such as liquid methane. And there are other chemicals, including silicon, that can form complicated bonds. Perhaps we should be looking for silicon life on liquid methane planets. In fact, some scientists want to explore Titan, a moon of Saturn, which seems to be covered in oceans of liquid methane.


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