Account the following questions
Accounted the questions
a) More the heat, the more we sweat to lower the temperature. So dogs must hang their tongue out to keep cool in summer. The evaporating saliva cools the blood that is passing through the tongue and mouth.
b) The smell of a lighted incense stick spreads several metres away because of the process of diffusion. Diffusion is the process of movement of particles from their region of high concentration to the region of low concentration.
c) The sponge is compressible being a solid because of the presence of air cavities inside the sponge. The sponge has numerous pores in it which can be referred to as air cavities, in which air is trapped and on compressing the sponge it comes out.
d) Cotton is almost made up of cellulose only. We know that the temperature of the atmosphere is higher in summer. So, to adjust the body temperature, the body itself allows water to go outside the skin. We should wear cotton garments in summer for the fact that during summers we generally sweat so much. This happens because our body tries to keep the body temperature normal and to make this happen, it releases water from skin and that is called sweat. Cotton fabric has a special characteristic that is a good absorber of water helps in absorbing the sweat and exposing it to the atmosphere for easy evaporation.