Sociology, asked by Vasishta1617, 1 year ago

Achievement and failure of contemporary women movement in india


Answered by rahulgupta100008
Women’s movement in India can be seen in a wide ranging ways. They created organization and were linked to the freedom movement against British rule in Indian nationalist movement. They struggle against women’s problem including rape, domestic abuse the right for equal pay, and the right to better health, education and inheritance. The movement highlight that women in India have been involved in the public sphere and issues of women’s right since long time.

The participation of women in the public sphere before and after gaining independence is slightly contradictory with the image portrayed by Western people that those women in South Asia tend to play traditional role as women doing the activities in domestic sphere only. They are often portrayed as women who do the housework, devoted, and self-sacrified.
Women’s movement in colonial India had strong links with nationalist movement. The participation of women in India’s freedom struggle has significant, especially in Gandhi’s movement. After gaining independence, women’s movement in the early freedom still contributed to recovery women who become a victim in partition. Then they are also involved in political arena. Nowadays, women issues including dowry, sati, illiterate, rape, and domestic violence have become triggers to make the movement gaining in equality and against discrimination of women.

However, their movement related to the custom and religion that was attached to the way of thinking of the Indian society. This condition sometimes makes women’s movement become limited. In this paper, I will describe the achievements and limitations of women’s movement in India; I am going to discuss the dynamic of women’s movement in India through women’s association, women’s organizations, and women’s participation in India’s freedom for struggle and post independence. I will study the type of social movement that women brought during their movement. I also will discuss the limitation and obstacle during their movement.
Feminism in India is a set of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for Indian women. It is the pursuit of women's rights within the society of India. Like their feminist counterparts all over the world, feminists in India seek gender equality: the right to work for equal wages, the right to equal access to health and education, and equal political rights.[1] Indian feminists also have fought against culture-specific issues within India's patriarchal society, such as inheritance lawsand the practice of widow immolation known as Sati.

The history of feminism in India can be divided into three phases: the first phase, beginning in the mid-eighteenth century, initiated when male European colonists began to speak out against the social evils of Sati;[2]the second phase, from 1915 to Indian independence, when Gandhi incorporated women's movements into the Quit India movement and independent women's organisations began to emerge;[3] and finally, the third phase, post-independence, which has focused on fair treatment of women at home after marriage, in the work force and right to political parity.[3]

Despite the progress made by Indian feminist movements, women living in modern India still face many issues of discrimination. India's patriarchal culture has made the process of gaining land-ownership rights and access to education challenging.[4] In the past two decades, there has also emerged a trend of sex-selective abortion.[5] To Indian feminists, these are seen as injustices worth struggling against.[6]

As in the West, there has been some criticism of feminist movements in India. They have especially been criticised for focusing too much on women already privileged, and neglecting the needs and representation of poorer or lower caste women. This has led to the creation of caste-specific feminist organisations and movements

Answered by mindfulmaisel

Achievement and failure of contemporary women movement in India:

  • The earlier women movements in India were largely connected with the freedom struggle and the nationalistic movements.  
  • Today the movements are directed more towards equality, domestic violence, exploitation, rape, and right to inheritance, better health, and more reasons.  
  • They are focused on equal social, political and economic opportunities for women in the Indian society.  
  • The women's movements had the main aim of establishing equal rights and legal protections for women.  
  • There has been a number of voices raised against the issues related to the traditional culture within India's patriarchal society that is connected to widow immolation known as Sati and also towards the inheritance laws.  
  • The failures are when the movements are directed more towards the privileges for the women than being focused on the needs and representation of poorer or lower caste women.  
  • The women organizations are the Women’s India Association, the National Council of Women in India, and the All India Women’s Conference and many more such organizations.
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