Achievements of india after independence-
Food Grain production: India was net importer of food grains and depended upon international food aid upto mid-1960s. ...
Eradication of epidemics and polio: ...
Space programmes: ...
Independent Foreign Policy: ...
Democracy : ...
Indian Armed forces : ...
Development of Technical Education :
Indians and India have made great strides since getting independence.
1. Food Grain production:
India was net importer of food grains and depended upon international food aid up to mid-1960s. However since then lot of scenario has changed thanks to significant policy reforms and green revolution in India.
Today India has self sufficiency in food production and exports various food grains. We are largest producers of fresh fruits, milk, pulses and oil seeds, sunflower seeds and second largest producers of wheat, rice sugarcane, potato, tea, cotton etc in the world.
In addition to growth in total output, agriculture in India has shown an increase in average output per acre since independence. While our total population tripled since independence our food grain production more than quadrupled and there has been substantial increase in available food grain per capita.
2. Eradication of epidemics and polio:
We have successfully eradicated various epidemics and Polio from our nation. Life expectancy is 68.89 years which was only 32 years at the time of independence. This is one of the major achievement taking into account that we comprise 17% of world population.
3. Space programmes:
Indians have been able to develop one of the most envious space programmes in the world started in the year 1969 after their independence .Today we are launching various space programmes including Lunar and Mars mission, and commercial launching of satellites of developed nations at very low cost.
We have benefited humanity by way of forecasting of cyclones in Indian peninsula thereby substantially reducing loss of life thanks to our space programmes
4. Independent Foreign Policy:
Indians have been able to pursue an independent foreign policy after independence and interference by outside powers have been zero, thanks to strides made by India in various fields like agriculture production, economic progress, space programmes, nuclear energy and defence.
5. Democracy :
Strong democratic institutions have been another achievement of India.
In spite of various pulls and pressures of a new and poor nation at its independence, India has been able to develop its democracy beautifully by giving universal franchise to its citizens irrespective of their economic and social status.
6. Indian Armed forces :
Indians have learnt lessons from history very well and focussed their energy in developing strong deterrent in the form of their armed forces.
India is one of four largest military powers in the world today and has got one of most sophisticated missile programmes in the world.
7. Development of Technical Education :
Since independence India has been developing its technical education sector steadfastly. This resulted into our green revolution which increased our food grain production more than four times, our independent space programmes, eradication of epidemics and our envious IT sector. We are virtually largest exporters of engineers today.