English, asked by Muskan611, 1 year ago

acknowledgement of poem the Brook.

plz tell its necessary


Answered by armaanmalik285
Hii friend !!
here is the answer of ur question -
 We are very thankful to every one who all supported us for completing this project effectively and more over on time .
               we are equally grateful to ( write ur teacher's name ) . he gave us moral support and guided us in different matters regarding the topic . he had been very kind and patience while suggesting us the outlines of this project and correcting our doubts . 

last but not the least we would like to thanks our parents who helped us a lot in gathering different informations , collecting data and guided us  frm time to time in making this project despite of their busy schedules , they gave us different ideas in making this project unique . 

we are making this project not for marks but for our knowledge .

hope u find it useful ^_^
Answered by bhagathmanoj2905



British poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson penned “The Brook” in 1886, just six years before his death. The poem is a ballad in which the speaker—the brook, or stream, itself—undertakes a long and winding journey across the countryside to join up with a large river. Tucked inside this seemingly sweet poem about a little stream are darker, more poignant themes of death, human impermanence, and nature's indifference to humankind, though the poem also emphasizes nature's sheer beauty. The poem’s most notable characteristic is its refrain, “For men may come and men may go, / But I go on for ever,” which appears four times throughout the poem and captures both the fleetingness of human life and the constancy of nature.

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