Hindi, asked by aryan5298, 1 year ago

Acknowledgement of story idgah


Answered by akashdangi100

ईदगाह कहानी से हमें प्रेम

और त्याग की सीख मिलती है। हामिद अपने लिए कुछ नहीं खरीदता है बल्कि अपनी खाला क  लिए चिमटा खरीदता है ताकि खाना बनाते समय उनका हाथ न जले। अपने लिए मिठाइयाँ खरीदने के लिए पैसे न खर्च करके वह अपनी खाला को आराम देने के लिए उन पैसों से चिमटा खरीदता है। इस कहानी में अमीना का मातृप्रेम भी दिखता है। वह लोगों के घरों में काम करके पैसे कमाती है ताकि वह हामिद की ठीक से देखभाल कर सके।  

The things that v can learn frm idgah are as follows

1. One should respect n care for their elders

2. One should always be optimist in ones approch

3. Children notice everything around them

Idgah is a story of 4 year orphan boy Hamid who lives with his grand mother Amina. Premcahnd has portrayed the emotion of this young guy very superiorly in his story Idgah. Hamid, the protagonist of the story, has lost his parents. His aged grandmother Amina fulfills their daily needs by doing some needle work for others. His grandmother has told him that very soon his father and mother, who are actually dead, will return home with lots of money, sweets and gifts for him from the house of Allah. He is full of hope and happily awaiting that day.

akashdangi100: mark as brainliest
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