English, asked by abhinav201853, 1 year ago

acrostic word of adversity​


Answered by dikshaverma4you


First of all let us discuss, what an acrostic poem is.

=> An acrostic poem is a type of poem in which every letter of the given word holds a different word or phrase having its own significant meaning.

Example :-


H - Happy place

O - Open to our dear ones

U - Under one roof

S - Smiling faces who loves to watch the stary skies

E - Everyone gathered to have a memorable night

Similarly, an acrostic poem can be created for any word.

For now, let's try it out for ADVERSITY.

A - Adversity, a

D - Difficult situation or

V - Vicissitude where

E - Everyone hopes to be fine and

R - Rise the other moment

S - Setbacks don't last lifetime my friend

I - In the end everything is alright and if it's not,

T - Then it's not the end

Y - You and I when come together, it forms we and we will soon be free.

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