Act 1 :Scene 1

1: Salarino describe the argosies as great lords and wealthy citizens , who look down on lesser men(smaller ships) as they walk along the streets.
{ Argosies refer to big merchant ships}
2: If Salarino had been at Antonio's place , Salarino's thoughts would be fixed on the dangers at sea to his ships and methods of securing them.
3: The wind cooling the broth remind Salarino's of the stormy winds at sea and of the terrible damages they might cause to his ships could bmake Salarino sad. As the thought of dangers to his ventures can make Salarino sad.
4: Janus is a Roman God usually depicted with two heads looking in opposite directions - one frowning, the other smiling . According to a legend , Janus had received from the God Saturn the gift to see both the future and the past . Janus is mentioned in the text to show that there are two types of people - one Happy and the other sad .
5: Gratiano gives the example of a warn - blooded young man who represses his spirits and forces himself to stillness till he looks like the marble image of his grandfather. Here Gratiano talks about age.
6: Some man overcast their faces with a pale expression as unchanging as the cream that forms on the surface of milk and as the scum that forms on the surface of a stagnant pool.
7: Bassanio confesses to Antonio that he has spent his wealth by having a more lordly way of living than his moderate income allowed him . Therefore, he concerned that he is a spendthrift.
8: Bassanio says thar when he was a boy at school and he lost one of his arrows while shooting, he would shoot another Arrow in the same direction. Thus, by risking the second , he often regained both the arrows. Bassanio related this example with loan.
9: Bassanio described Portia's worth by saying her a golden fleece. In Greek mythology, golden fleece is referred to as the fleece of the winged ram Chrysomallos . It was kept at an oak tree in a grave sacred to God Ares and guarded by a dragon in Colchos.