English, asked by mahipanwar02244, 20 days ago

Put each of the sentences below into the passive voice :
EXAMPLES: (i) Reeta is helping Manju.
= Manju is being helped by Reeta.
(ii) They were repairing the road.
The road was being repaired by them.
1. Reeta is helping Manju.
11. Rani was making the noise.
2. They were repairing the road.
12. Dr Sen is examining the patients.
3. John is eating the mangoes.
13. The girl is catching the birds.
4. The teacher was calling the boys. 14. Peter was speaking English.
5. She was buying the vegetables.
15. That man is pushing the cart.
6. Anmola is reading the story-book. 16. Amar was selling the old books.
7. The servant is bringing the coffee. 17. They are holding the meeting.
8. Those men were cutting the tree. 18. Manohar is ploughing the field.
9. I am learning new words.
19. That man was carrying the box.
10. You are teaching Moti.
20. Some boys were helping the old


Answered by vinodgube123


the noise was being made by rani

the patients are being examined by dr sen

the mangoes ate being eaten by John

the birds are being caught by the girl

the boys were being called by the teacher

english was being spoken by Peter

the vegetables were being bought by her

the cart is being pushed by that man

the story book is being red by anmol

the old books were being sold by amar

the coffee is being brought by the servant

the meeting is being held by them

the tree was being cut by those men

the field is being ploughed by manohar

new words are being learnt by me

the box was being carried by that man

moti is being taught by you

the old man was being helped by some boys

Answered by rimpagangulirg4983

I hope you understand

pls mark me brainliest

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