English, asked by mahipanwar02244, 13 days ago

EXERCISE 11 Revision)
Change the voice of the verbs in the following sentences:
EXAMPLE: I had posted the letter before I met him.
The letter had been posted (by me) before I met him. Passive)
1. Shut all the doors,
11. We can do it.
2. My friends will blame me.
12. She has done the work.
3. Who rang the bell?
13. They elected him their leader.
4. We saw you and him.
14. You can win the prize.
5. Please enter by this door.
15. There is no time to lose.
6. We shall finish the task today.
16. He turned down my request.
7. Who can help me?
17. We were kept waiting by them.
8. Sanjeev will eat an apple,
18. Brutus accused Caesar of ambition.
9. Hari purchased the land.
It is time to open the shop.
10. The cat killed the mouse,
20. I asked him to come on time.​


Answered by rajputroshni542


all the doors had been shot by me

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