English, asked by cuna, 10 months ago

Active to passive
Past Continuous Tense
1. The wind was blowing the clouds away.
2. The chief guest was giving away the prizes.
3. We were revising our lessons.
4. She was not solving the sums.
5. Were they throwing stones at the beggar?​


Answered by neelrambhia03


1. The clouds were being blown away by the wind

2. The prizes were being given away by the chief guest.

3. Our lessons were being revised by us.

4. The sums were not being solved by her.

5. Was the beggar thrown stones at by them?

Answered by subhalaxmi796


1-The clouds was being blown away by the wind

2-The prizes was given away by the chief guest

3-Our lessons was being revised by us

4-The sums were not solving by her

5-Were the stones being thrown at the beggar by them?

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