Directions: Find the surface area of the following and WRITE YOUR COMPLETE SOLUTION.
SA - Gelor's
1 = lem
Zux 122
- 72 dm2
= 9cm
# 3dm
6.6 cm
h=140m 2
26. Read the source given below and answer the questions that follows: There is no orgonisation which supervises the credit activities of lenders in the informol sector They can lend at whatever interest rote they choose. There is no one to stop them using unfoir meons to get theit money back-Higher cost of borrowing means o lorger part of the earnings of the borrowers is used to repoy the loan. Hence. borrowers have less Income left for themselves In corton coses, the high interest rote for borrowing can mean that the omount to be repaid is greater than the Income of the borrower. This could lead to an increasing debt and debt trop Also, people who might wish to start an enterprise by borrowing can not do so because of the high cost of borrowing. Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most oppropriate optlon: (A) The passoge given above is reloted to which of the following options? (0) The informol sector credit in India (b) The formal sector credit in India (c) Both (o) and (b) (8) How does the RBI monitor the banks in India? (a) In actuolly mointoining the cash balance (b) It sees that the bonks give loans to small cultivotors, smal industries and to smali borrowers () Banks have to subbmit their lending reports to the RBI periodicolly (d) All of these. (9 Which of the following lending octivities ore considered in the informal sector? (o) Monetary help given by neighbours in marriage. (b) Monetory help rendered by relotives in illness. () Monetory help extended by friends during drought ike situation. (d) Money borrowed from the employer to buy a plot (D) The banks ond cooperotive societies need to lend more to pcople from remote oreas becouse this would lead to higher incomes and people could then (0) Grow crops (d) None of these (b) Set up smoll-scole industries Sausng op p) Aogo oun jo TIV (P)