Activity 2.12
11. Put about 2 g soil in a test tube and add 5 ml water to it.
Shake the contents of the test tube.
Filter the contents and collect the filtrate in a test tube.
Check the pH of this filtrate with the help of universal
_indicator paper..
What can you conclude about the ideal soil pH for the growth of
plants in your region?
Aim : to show that the growth of a plant in my region
material required
. soil 2 g
. testube
. 5 ml water
. universal indicator
take a soil into the testube and add water about 5ml now shake it well.
filtare the contests
from this we observed that the
the range for most plants is between
5.5 to 7.5 the plant availability by controlling the chemical forms of the different nutrients ....
check your answer here. ........
Aim : to show that the growth of a plant in my region .
▪ Material required : • soil 2g.
•test tube
• 5 ml water
• universal indicator
● procedure : take the soil into the test tube and add water about 5ml now shake it well .
Filtrate the contests
▪observation : from this we observed that the range for most plants is between 5.5 to 7.5 the plants availability by controlling the chemical forms of different nutrients. ...........
Hope it will help you