Science, asked by sahuanish81, 1 year ago

Activity 3.2
Take two cloth pieces of the same
size, roughly half a metre square
each. One of these should be from
natural fibre. The other could be a
synthetic fibre. You can take help
of your parents in selecting these
pieces. Soak the pieces in different
mugs each containing the same
amount of water. Take the pieces
out of the containers after five
minutes and spread them in the sun
for a few minutes. Compare the
volume of the water remaining in
each container.
Do synthetic fabrics soak less/more
rater than the natural fabrics? Do they
ake less/more time to dry?
What does this activity tell you about ka aim material, method, observatio and result show kariye thank you


Answered by mdsahbaz3468


I don't know Hindi I give your answer ok child stay home with the help of a

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