English, asked by Anonymous, 3 months ago

Activity 3 Garbage has been littered in your locality causing filthy, unhygienic environment. Write a letter (in about 100 words) to the head of the civic authority of your locality to clean garbage regularly.

Garbage has been dititeped in your, locality eau sing fullshy, unhyadente enviromend write a defitiers (in about 100 words) to the head of the alvile authorility of you doeality to clean garbage regularly.


The Head of the civile Authorday Teor Hill Dakshin Dinajpur Pin - 733145

Sub: Complaint Regarding non non- cleaning of garbage and sravinage and in our locality


with due honor I would like to Stade that, I am nhu mardi resilding at Teor Sahapur P. D-Teor..
1 peg ped to bring to your kind notice that the garbage container of our localidy is over flowing due to mon cleaning of many days. The potten waste materials emanating had Smell thus making the people of the nearby area to wear a seart around their nose. If the Same Condition Prevaills for few more days, the that will be chance of Spreading disease 1.am unaware of the reason why the authority negleeded our area. in several addition to this, the J drainage also gets blocked in sev Several places. So, if pain Dccups then it may problem too. epeate water logging

Therefore, it's my humby request that the Same za may kindly be aleaned by today itself so that we can have a normal life Soon.

Date 11.8.2021

Thanking you​


Answered by Tushar336


ok not me

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