Take some bean seeds and soak them in water for 5-6 hours. Remove the seeds from water and wrap them in a wet cloth for 2 days.
What do you observe?
Just long enough for the seeds to swell but not so long that they might begin to sour and rot. Overnight is usually good. Many sources recommend 8-12 hours and no more than 24 hours. Again, too much soaking and the seeds will start to decompose.
When you soak the seeds of Bean and observe them after 2-3 days, the seed would be germinated.
During the process of germination, one must fill the seed with water which activates the growth enzyme.
The root is come out and accesses the available underground water.
The shoot is grown towards the Sun.
When we soak seeds of bean in water for 2-3 days, the process of germination starts. Germination is a process by which an organisms grow from a seed.
When seeds of bean are soaked for few days, small nodules starts appearing. Two structures will appear:
Plumule: It gives rise to shoots that grows against the earth’s surface.
Radicle: It gives rise to a primary root that grows inside the earth’s surface .