activity to observe Amoeba and Spirogyra
activity to observe Amoeba and Spirogyra
sample of water collected from a pond with organic material
Pondweed from a pond
Petri dish
A compound light microscope
Amoeba culture is a simple exercise that involves the following few steps:
Place a few pondweeds in a petri-dish and add some water to cover the weed
Leave the culture is a dark room for a few days and wait until a brown scum forms on the surface
a dropper, place a few drops of the sample on a microscope glass slide (a sample of pond water or a small sample from the culture)
Gently cover the sample with a cover slip and mount on the microscope stage for viewing
Start with low power and increase gradually to observe the specimen
When viewed, amoebas will appear like a colorless (transparent) jelly moving across the field very slowly as they change shape. As it changes its shape, it will be seen protruding long, finger like projections (drawn and withdrawn).