English, asked by EMPURAAN, 10 months ago

Activity v (Speech)
Read the following statements from the profile of Stepher
'Shortly after I came out of hospital, I drean
going to be executed. I suddenly realized that there were a
lot of worthwhile things I could do.'
Can you find out similar incidents that happened in the lives of othe
great people (such as Helen Keller, Wilma Rudolf, Valentin
Tereshkova, etc.). Prepare a short speech on any one of them so a
to deliver it before the school assembly.​


Answered by jefferson7



"Before my condition was diagnosed, I had been bored with life. There had not seemed to be anything worth doing. But shortly after I came out of the hospital, I dreamt that I was going to be executed. I suddenly realized that there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do if I were reprieved."

Helen Adams Keller was an American  political activist, author and lecturer. She was  deaf-blind  and was the first deaf and blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

She was famous as an activist for the deaf and blind. Keller also wrote about her life in books. She was able to overcome her handicap and lead an almost normal life.

Keller acted as an inspiration for millions of disabled people. She proved that disability is not inability.

Many people in the world give up even before they try. Others commit suicide in the hope of ending their frustrations. When lives life with purpose all other things fall in place. Life is full of people who have overcome their  handicaps and achieved success in life.

Answered by mulemadison

Speech Writing.


The 32nd President of the US, Franklin D. Roosevelt ,  suffered from a paralytic illness when he was 39 years old. At that time of his life, he was just an ordinary man who had big aspirations like anyone of us. Unfortunately he was struck down by his illness which left him paralyzed from his waist down permanently.

But the zest and ardent spirit remained unchanged throughout his misfortunes. President Franklin never once gave in to his impairment. He worked hard day and night. He learnt and observed every single day and finally after twelve long years, he was elected as the 32nd President of the US in 1933.

He was unlike any other president of the US. In fact, President Franklin served the longest presidential term in the history of the US. His works and efforts committed against serving the US has many landmark records. Today, he is one of the greatest president of the US.

In life, everyone will face different challenges and obstacles. It all depends on how we choose to face it. Do we surrender ourselves or fight until we achieve our aspirations? One should always remember that no mountain is greater than determination and will power.

Learn more:

Format for speech writing .


Integrity: A way of life.


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