add hcl to i) mixture of iron and sulphur ii)) iron Shulpide choose the coreect a) mixture of iron and sulphur react with hcl to give h2s gas b) mixture of iron and sulphide react with hcl to give h2 gas
i)Adding HCl to a mixture of iron and sulphur (b) react to give H2 gas.
When HCl is added, hydrogen gas is evolved and it burns with a pop sound when a burning matchstick is kept near. Sulphur doesn't take part in the reaction.
Fe + HCl -> FeCl2+ H2
ii) Adding HCl to a mixture of iron sulphide (a) react to produce Hydrogen sulphide gas.
First, when iron and sulphur are mixed and heated to produced Ferric sulphide (FeS).
The equation to provide ferric sulphide is:
Fe + S -> FeS
Then, when HCl is added to ferric sulphide, ferric chloride is formed and Hydrogen sulphide gas (rotten egg smell) is given out.
FeS+ 2HCl -> FeCl2+ H2S
The answer a) mixture of iron and sulphur react with HCl to give H2S gas.
(d) mixture of iron and Sulphur reacts with HCL to
give H2 gas