Add prefixes/suffixes to the followings words to change them as directed 1.sympathy(as verb )
Prefix is a word or letter added at the beginning if the given word, to make a new word.
And suffix is a word added at the end of the given word, to make a new word.
Sympathy when changed as a verb is Sympathize.
Here we have prefixed the word sympathy with ize, to make a new word sympathize.
A prefix is referred to as an alphabet or group of letters which is joined to a given word in order to change the meaning or form of that expression. And suffix is also similar to the previous prefix. The only difference is that, in the suffix, the letters are added at the end of the provided word, like a tail. The function, however, happens to be the same. It also changes the form or meaning of that word.
Here, the query that we have to write either prefixed verb or suffixed verb. Moreover, the word that can be created is "sympathize."
Answer: Sympathize (Sympathy=> sympath+ize)- suffix=ize.