English, asked by nishkamenon347, 1 year ago

Add prefixes to the following words to obtain the words opposite reversative aur negative to the base: like, loyal, fair, figure, honest, pure, able,own,learn,load


Answered by upenderjoshi28

The meanings of given words can be turned to opposite or negative by adding prefixes as shown below:


loyal- disloyal

fair- unfair

figure- disfigure

honest- dishonest

pure- impure

able- unable

own- disown

learn- unlearn

load- unload

Answered by loxia

Prefix refers to an element which placed before a word in order to qualify its meaning. For example, non-, ex-, re- and so on. Prefix when added can also give opposite meaning of the word by adding dis-, un-, im- and so forth. Therefore, when the prefix are added to the following words, opposite of the following words are:

like - dislike

loyal - disloyal

fair - unfair  

figure- disfigure

honest- dishonest  

pure- impure  

able- unable

own- disown

learn- unlearn

load- unload

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