addition 10101 + 11010 in computer number system
there are two input fields intended for entry of binary numbers. The first field for the first number, the second to the second, respectively. Between these two fields, you must select a mathematical operation you want to implement them. You can add up and subtract, multiply and divide fractions or binary numbers. To enter a fractional binary number, you can use a dot or comma. After entering the numbers, and select the mathematical operation to calculate the click button on them. And the information appears with the result of the calculation at the top of the page.
Date and time of calculation 24.01.2018 2:04 UTC
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
Number 1 in the decimal system
101012 = 2110
Number 2 in the decimal system
110102 = 2610
Their sum
21 + 26 = 47
Result in binary form
4710 = 1011112