English, asked by sabighuman1980, 5 months ago

Adjectives describe or give information about nouns or pronouns.

For example:-
The grey dog barked. (The adjective grey describes the noun "dog".

The good news is that the form of an adjective does not change. It does not matter if the noun being modified is male or female, singular or plural, subject or object.

Some adjectives give us factual information about the noun - age, size colour etc (fact adjectives - can't be argued with). Some adjectives show what somebody thinks about something or somebody - nice, horrid, beautiful etc (opinion adjectives - not everyone may agree).

If you are asked questions with which, whose, what kind, or how many, you need an adjective to be able to answer.

There are different types of adjectives in the English language:

1)­ Numeric: six, one hundred and one
2)­Quantitative: more, all, some, half, more than enough
3)­Qualitative: colour, size, smell etc.
4)­Possessive: my, his, their, your
5)­Interrogative: which, whose, what
6)­Demonstrative: this, that, those, these​


Answered by nptcking




sry i can't answer

Answered by Anonymous

Question= Explain an adjective and its different kinds wit examples.⬇️


An adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun or pronoun.

Read these sentences.

1. The rose is a beautiful flower.

2. Saurabh is a rich man.

3. Rani is clever.

4. Monkeys have long tails.

The words beautiful, rich, clever and long in the above sentences at to the meaning of the nouns flower, man, Rani and tails respectively. so they are adjective.

Kinds of adjectives:-

Adjectives can be classified into eight kinds:

1. Adjective of quality

2. Adjective of quantity

3. Adjective of number

4. Demonstrative adjective

5. Distributive adjective

6. Interrogative adjective

7. Possessive adjective

8. Proper adjective

Adjective of quality:-

Adjective that Express the kind or quality of a person or a thing are called adjective of Quality. since they describe a person or they think it they are called descriptive adjective.

Read this sentences:-

1. Bhopal is a large city.

2. I like ripe mangoes.

Adjective of quality answer the question- of what kind?

Two ways to using adjective of quality

adjective of quality may be used in two different ways:-

1. Attributively

a. He lives in a small house.

b. I like ripe mangoes.

The adjective (Small, ripe) have been used prior to the words (house, Mongoose) whitch De qualify. They are, said to be used Attributively.

2. Predicatively

Read these sentences.

a. His house is small.

b. Those mongoes are ripe.

2. Adjective of quantity

adjective that tell us how much of a thing is intended are called "Adjective of quantity".

Read these sentences.

a. These is little milk in the kettle.

b. He ate all the pudding.

Adjective of quantity answer the question- How much?

Adjective of number or numeral adjectives

Adjective that tell us how many people or things are made in what order a person or thing is stands are called adjectives of number.

Read these sentences.

a. He is eighty years of age.

b. I have many friends.

adjectives on number answer the question- how many? or in what ways or order?

4. Demonstrative adjectives

Demonstrative adjectives point out which persons, thing or places are meant

Read these sentences.

a. This trunk is very heavy.

b. Those boys are my friends.

Demonstrative adjective answer the question- which?

5. Distributive adjectives

Distributive adjective show that persons or things are taken one at a time.

Read these sentences.

a. Each pen coasts ten rupees.

b. He gave me two rackets. Neither of the rackets was goods.

6. Interrogative adjectives

Words like what, which and whose when used with nouns to ask questions are called interrogative adjective.

Read these sentences.

a. Which fruit do you like most?

b. What time is it?

c. Whose bag did the thief steal?

the words what, which and whose are classed as Interrogative Adjectives when they are used with noun to ask questions.

Note: What is used in a General sense and which is used in a selective sense.

7. Possessive Adjectives

Possessive Adjectives show possesion or ownership.

Read these sentences.

a. My car needs repairs

b. The plant is losing its flowers.

Possessive adjective answer the question- Whose?

8. Proper Adjectives

Proper adjective are proper nouns used as adjective forms.

Read these sentences.

a. He is an Indian. (Proper Noun)

b. He is an Indian soilder. (Proper adjective)

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