Adrian was given Rs 16000 by his parents to arrange a party for his birthday. He planned to spend 1/4 on food, 3/10 of remainder on decoration and 5/21 on gifts to be given. His parents were very happy to see His planning as he needs Rs 10000 urgently as His friend needs His help. How much money will Adrian borrow from his parents so that he can help His friend (he will add left over amount to make 10000).
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Adrian borrow Rs 3600 from his parents so that he can help his friend
Given :
- Adrian was given Rs 16000 by his parents to arrange a party for his birthday.
- He planned to spend 1/4 on food,
- 3/10 of the remaining amount on decoration
- and 5/21 of remaining on the return gifts to be given
- He needs Rs 10000 urgently as his friend needs his help.
To Find :
- How much money will Adrian borrow from his parents so that he can help his friend
Step 1:
Spend on food = (1/4)16000 = 4000 Rs
Remaining = 16000 - 4000 =12000 Rs
Step 2:
Spend on decoration = (3/10) 12000 = 3600 Rs
Remaining = 12000 - 3600 = 8400 Rs
Step 3:
Spend on the return gifts to be given = (5/21)8400 = 2000 Rs
Remaining = 8400 - 2000 = Rs 6400
Step 4:
Required for friend help = Rs 10000
money Adrian borrow from his parents so that he can help his friend = 10000 - 6400
= Rs 3600
Adrian borrow Rs 3600 from his parents so that he can help his friend
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