Advantage and disadvantages of nuclear power plants
Space needed for operating a nuclear power plant is less as compared to other conventional power plants for production of same amount of energy.
A nuclear power plant consumes very small quantity of fuel. Thus fuel transportation cost is less and large fuel storage facilities are not required. Further the nuclear power plants will conserve the fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gas etc. for other energy need.
There is increased reliability of operation.
Nuclear power plants are not effected by the unfavorable weather conditions.
Nuclear power plants are well suited to meet large demands of power requirement. They give better performance at higher load factors of 80 to 90%.
Materials expenditure on metal structures, piping, storage mechanisms is much lower compared to a coal-burning power plant.
It does not need large quantity of water.
Initial cost to set up nuclear power plant is higher as compared to hydro or steam power plant.
Nuclear power plants are not well suited for varying load conditions.
Radioactive wastes if not disposed carefully may have an effect on the health of operators and the population nearby. In a nuclear power plant the major problem faced is the disposal of highly radioactive waste in form of solid, liquid and gas without any injury to the atmosphere. The preservation of radioactive waste for a long duration of time creates many difficulties.
Maintenance cost of the nuclear power plant is high.
Trained people are required to handle nuclear power plants