Advantage of village life in Hindi
Village life reflects the rural lifestyle and city life shows the urban lifestyle. Life is both rural as well urban area has its own plus points or problems. The most of the youth and youngster are always city life because they think city life its more luxurious life as compared to village life. So many advantages of village life and city life:-
Advantages of village life:-
1: Village people eat fresh fruits and vegetables because everybody cultivate its own . so, many village people depend on agriculture.
2: Village people can enjoy the real beauty. In evening time you can enjoy the sunset , beauty , nature. Village life is more healthy as compared to city life . In morning you go for walk you enjoy a fresh air.
3: Village people do not hesitate to help others. Neighborhood are always ready for helping others at any hour in a day.
4: In village life its a polluted free environment . Not so many vehicles are there . village life people grew so many plants this help for environment so pure.
5: Village peoples are very friendly nature. All the peoples have unity.
6: Population are not too much high in village area. Limited number people are stay on rural area.
7: Village people avoid fast food or junk food . all the village people cook sweets or any dishes its any festivals.
8: Village people are more healthy as compared to city life people . because village people live a more healthy life always eat a healthy food . village people do exercise own daily basis.
9: Different different occassion like holi , dilwali, makar sakranti, all festival people are gathered and enjoy a lot.
10: Village people are mostly do handlooms activity.
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