Biology, asked by Husban003, 1 year ago

Advantages & Disadvantages of Vasectomy in males​


Answered by Anonymous


The Vasectomy for the male, and Salpingectomy, the new name "tubectomy", for the female, are the most popular ways to cause permanent sterility. The easiest of the two ways are the Vasectomy. The Vasectomy can be performed in any office by most any doctor and by some nurse practitioners. It can be performed in between 15 and 30 minutes from the time you lay down to the time you walk out. You are awake and can watch, and there is only some local numbing medicines given at the suture site. There are usually very few side effects with the Vasectomy.

Short term side effects: temporary pain and discomfort caused by bruising, and hematoma (bleeding). You will be told to take it easy for a few days afterwards.

Long term side effects: A very small number of men, somewhere between 15% to 20% experience a long term side effect that is a chronic pain known as Post Vasectomy Pain Syndrome (PVPS). It can begin immediately after the vasectomy or many months or even years after the vasectomy. I am one of these men that experienced chronic pain that in the end I had a bilateral orchiectomy. If you want to more about this, just ask me.

The side effects of a Salpingectomy, the new name "tubectomy, are reactions to Anesthesia, Bleeding, Breathing Difficulties, Infections, perforation of major blood vessel, abdominal pain, perforation of a fallopian tube, Ectopic Pregnancy. The Salpingectomy is a surgical procedure that is usually performed in a hospital or a surgical center. You are put asleep with anesthesia during the surgery. It is outpatient and you will go home the same day.

Answered by rahulsingh91


Vasectomies can have some risks.

Overall, vasectomies are very safe, and most people don’t have any problems. But all medical procedures have some possible risks. The most common risk with a vasectomy is infection, but those are usually minor and treatable with antibiotics. You may also have some pain, bleeding, bruising, or swelling after the procedure

advantage of ETA population control and no pregnancy and enjoy a healthy sex life

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