Advantages and dis advantages of power loom
Advantages and Disadvantages of Shuttle Loom/Merits and...
Advantages and Disadvantages of Shuttle Loom/Merits and...The power loom suitable for the various fabric. ...
Advantages and Disadvantages of Shuttle Loom/Merits and...The power loom suitable for the various fabric. ...It is suitable for smaller lot of fabric.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Shuttle Loom/Merits and...The power loom suitable for the various fabric. ...It is suitable for smaller lot of fabric.As loom operate at less speed, warp preparation is not demanding.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Shuttle Loom/Merits and...The power loom suitable for the various fabric. ...It is suitable for smaller lot of fabric.As loom operate at less speed, warp preparation is not demanding.Quality demand of yarn (warp and weft ) is less.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Shuttle Loom/Merits and...The power loom suitable for the various fabric. ...It is suitable for smaller lot of fabric.As loom operate at less speed, warp preparation is not demanding.Quality demand of yarn (warp and weft ) is less.The capital investment is less.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Shuttle Loom/Merits and...The power loom suitable for the various fabric. ...It is suitable for smaller lot of fabric.As loom operate at less speed, warp preparation is not demanding.Quality demand of yarn (warp and weft ) is less.The capital investment is less.Required very less amount of climate control.
A.Advantages /Merit Of Shuttle Loom -
1.The power loom suitable for the various fabric. i.e It is versatile loom.
2. It is suitable for smaller lot of fabric
3. As loom operate at less speed, warp preparation is not demanding
4. Quality demand of yarn (warp and weft ) is less
5. The capital investment is less
6. Required very less amount of climate control.
7. There is no need for separate Selvedge mechanism. Automatic selvedge form .
8. The power requirement less technical equipment.
9. The labour is easily available and very high skill is not required.
10. The Spare part cheap and easily available in market
11. It can be fitted with Dobby and Jacquard.
Disadvantages/ limitation of shuttle loom
1. It use half kg of shuttle to carry a yarn having a weight of 0. 2 gm/m.
2. It is wasting lot of kinetic energy of the shuttle in the shuttle box.
3. It give more wear and tear of shuttle and checking devices.
4. The speed of the machine is less about 180 PPM.
5. Production per machine per labour is less
6. It imposes great strain on picking mechanism .
7. It give a lot of noise and vibration upto 120 dB.
8. It is difficult to control shuttle movement many time shuttle fly off.
9. It is difficult to work with multicolour weft .
10. Very small size of the weft package of about 80-120 gm need frequent replacement.
11. Frequent stopping of Loom gives starting mark on a fabric
12. The Fabric quality is difficult to control.
13. The various fabric faults occur due to the technological limitation.
14. It require more space ,labour per unit production.
15. There is a high consumption of spare part
16. It requires separate pirn winding department .