Social Sciences, asked by Akshu7044, 1 year ago

Advantages and disadvantages of agricultural diversification


Answered by Anonymous
Agribusiness is the pre-dominant economic line of work of the rural communities in India, and plays a critical function in the socio-economic development of these communities. India acquires its major portion of production grosss from the rural / agricultural sector of the economic system. The agribusiness sector in India is tremendously important in malice of its worsening portion in GDP. Sectoral displacements occurred as a consequence of the industrialisation which had raised the Services sector portions in GDP during the 1990 ‘s, where as Agriculture, which had a major portion in GDP in the 1950 ‘s, contributed merely 22.5 % by the terminal of March 2004 ( Economic Survey, GOl, 2003-04 ) . Therefore came up a pressing demand for a paradigm displacement in the authorities ‘s agricultural policy to turn to the jobs faced in the agricultural sector in the new domestic and planetary economic environment and avenues to heighten the income of the husbandmans. The possible solution for bettering the agro sector is Diversification. This survey traces the definition of variegation, country enlargement jobs, immediate demands, and its future chances.

Diversification can besides affect “ a displacement of resources from one harvest ( or farm animal ) to a larger mix of harvests and farm animal, maintaining in position the varying nature of hazards and expected returns from each crop/livestock activity, and seting in such a manner that it leads to optimum portfolio of income ” ( Joshi, et Al, 2003 ) . It is a manner of a gradual motion from subsistence basic nutrient harvests towards diversified market-oriented harvests which have a larger potency for land returns. DOA being a scheme would open up chances, to a big extent, for value add-on in agribusiness and will besides take to better harvest planning and better the earning chances in the farm community. In India, Andhra Pradesh has been proactive in taking up agricultural variegation as a scheme to speed up the growing of agribusiness.

Crop Diversification

Crop variegation takes into history the economic returns from different value-added harvests. It besides implies the effectual usage of environmental every bit good as human resources to turn a mix of harvests with complementary selling chances, and it entails switching of resources from low value harvests to high value harvests. Due to globalisation, harvest variegation in agribusiness is besides a agency to increase the entire harvest productiveness in footings of quality, pecuniary and quantity value under specific, diverse agro-climatic state of affairss all over the universe.

There are two attacks to harvest variegation in agribusiness.

Horizontal variegation – the primary attack to harvest variegation used in production agribusiness. In this attack, variegation usually takes topographic point through harvest intensification which means adding new high-value harvests to bing cropping systems as a manner of bettering the overall productiveness of a peculiar farm or a part ‘s farming economic system as a whole.

Vertical variegation attack in which value is added to the merchandises by husbandmans through assorted methods such as processing, regional stigmatization, packaging, selling, or other attempts to heighten the merchandise.

Opportunities for harvest variegation usually vary depending upon the hazard, chance and the feasibleness of proposed alterations within a socio-economic and agro-economic context. Crop variegation may happen as a consequence of authorities policies. The “ Technology Mission on Oilseeds ” , “ Spices Development Board ” , “ and Coconut Development Board ” etc is some illustrations where the Indian authorities created policies to thrust alterations upon husbandmans and the nutrient supply concatenation at big as a manner of advancing harvest diverseness.

Crop variegation is the result of several synergistic effects of many factors:

Environmental factors which includes irrigation, rainfall, and temperature and dirt birthrate.

Price-related factors which includes end product and input monetary values with regard to national and international trade policies and other economic policies that affect the monetary values either straight or indirectly.

Technology-related factors which includes seeds, fertilisers and H2O engineerings, but besides those related to selling, crop, storage, agro-processing, distribution, logistics, etc.

Household-related factors which includes regional nutrient traditions, fresh fish and fuel every bit good as the labour and investing capacity of farm people and their communities.

Institutional and Infrastructure-related factors which includes farm size, location and occupancy agreements, research, in-field proficient support, selling systems and authorities modulating policies, etc.

All these five factors are interrelated.

. Pollution of agro-ecosystems.

Answered by ritasharan632


Conclusion. Diversification in agriculture will have a tremendous impact on the agro-socio-economic areas and also in the uplifting of resource-inadequate farming communities. It will be able to generate income and employment opportunities for rural youth around the year for the utmost benefits of the Indian farmers.

hope this will help u ❤️❤️

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