Biology, asked by Pratheeka123, 1 year ago

Advantages and disadvantages of dams.


Answered by kingkishan3106


Explanation:Advantages :

1}These are the main source of power generation.

2}These projects control the floods because water can be stored in them. These projects have converted many, 'rivers of sorrows' into 'rivers of boon'.

3}Thes projects are the main source of irrigation and also help in conserving soil.


1}Dams also fragment rivers making it difficult for aquatic fauna to migrate for spawning, i.e , to produce eggs.

2}It resulted in displacement of local communities.

3}The multipurpose projects induced earthquake, caused waterborne diseases......

Answered by AditiHegde

Advantages of dams-

  • they provide water for irrigation
  • it helps in soil conservation and flood control
  • it  helps in pisciculture

disadvantages of dams-

  • the marine life gets affected by the construction of the dams
  • due to absence of  readily supply of fresh water aquatic life  is reduced
  • standing water behind the  reservoir is a breeding  ground for mosquitoes
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