Social Sciences, asked by sunnyboss3534, 1 year ago

Advantages and disadvantages of freedom of religion


Answered by shelly12223
hello user
here's the answer

. people can continue following their faith and practises

. people miss use this freedom

hope it helps
have a great day

shelly12223: please mark it as brainliest
Answered by Akshiakshithagowda1

Pros of Religion

Religion brings meaning to people’s lives. Without a sense of meaning, people’s lives can seem empty, causing depression, angst, or anxiety. Human beings need some form of motivating force. As Jesus said: “Man cannot live by bread alone.”

Religion can bring a sense of hope and inspiration to people, who otherwise might feel despondent, or desperate.

Many charities are run by religious organizations, providing essential help to some of the most needy people on the planet.

Religion can provide social coherence, with people sharing common aims, values, and moral systems.

Holy teachings and books, such as the bible, koran, or Hindu Vedas, contain great wisdom which is beneficial to all mankind and provide useful points of reference.

Religion has inspired some of the world’s greatest art, architecture, writing, and sculpture.

In a changing world, religion provides a sense of continuity and a reliable foundation stone. Rites and rituals provide comfort and structure for people as they ride the rollercoaster of life.

Religion can act to curb the worst excesses of man’s instinctive, animal nature.

Churches, temples, synagogues etc provide places for the community to meet, organize and socialize together.

Cons of Religion

Religion has historically been a source of war on conflict between people ever since people started believing in it. Religious people tend to believe that their particular religion is the only correct one and all the others are false.

Religion is based on a fallacy that the universe operates according to “supernatural” rules and forces, rather than scientific ones. Stories of miracles and people rising from dead etc. remain unproven.

Religions can cause or encourage bigotry against minority groups, such as gay people, women, and racial groups.

Religion discourages free inquiry and restricts freedom of thought, by encouraging the idea that fundamental answers can only be found in a fixed and specific book or belief system. Preachers and religious leaders can also encourage a culture of unquestioning loyalty amongst their followers.

Religion holds back humanity from progressing. When the Christian Church dominated Western Europe in medieval times, scientific inventions and discoveries almost ground to a standstill and it wasn’t until the arrival of secularism that things began moving again.

Religion often uses fear to gain itself power, such as threatening people with Hell.

Some religions discourage people from living their life on Earth to the full, with the promise that they will get another, superior life after they’ve died.

Religion encourages an unachievable idealism and in the process creates hypocrisy, frustration, and disappointment.

Unscrupulous leaders use religion to enrich themselves.

Religion absolves people from personal responsibility, because they can say that God told them to do it.

Religions are essentially man-made, rather than divinely inspired. People are encouraged to live an illusion, essentially a form of escapism.

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