advantages and disadvantages of India population
Advantage: Huge population of youngsters. It is, to be honest, is an opportunity. It can be utilized in a healthy way by more productive work.
Disadvantage: Countries like India, which is already crippled with huge population with limited natural resources, it is difficult for government to extend their supports to all its citizens. Healthcare, Education, Transport, distribution of available resources etc, are the important factors which have a proportional relation relation with a countries population.
Apart from the all the above, if the population is not productive or utilized properly, like those in many under developed countries, then population is always a menace.
too much population in india has many advantages and disadvantages like:
1. there will be no shortage for employees
2. cost of production and labour cost can be attained at a cheaper cost
1. urbanization, deforestation, etc
2. littering, pollution, etc.