advantages and disadvantages of installments
The disadvantage to this method however could be different allocation of internal resources either in growth or decline. This could affect a planned budget and would not be a good way to analyze future expenditures. There are many factors to a business that can affect a marketing budget, and sometimes it makes sense to increase budget percentages to increase growth in sales. One disadvantage to installment credit is the fact that itgenerally has a higher interest rate. Another disadvantage is thefact that you have to ensure that you don't have too much in orderto have good credit. One advantage to buying a car in AZ is the fact that you willlikely pay less than if you were to purchase it in CA. Adisadvantage is the fact that you would have to get theregistration changed over if you live in CA. One advantage to purchasing from a catalog is the fact that youdidn't have to go out. A disadvantage is the fact that you have topay shipping costs.