English, asked by Sony2266, 1 year ago

Advantages and disadvantages of joint family and nuclear family


Answered by harshpoonia1310

Answer: the advantages and disadvantages of joint families

Explanation:Joint family = more members living together related by blood other than a couple and their children.

Advantages -

1.Always find someone for company at home. Loneliness can be avoided.

2.Share the burden of expenses - rent, bills, groceries with other earning members in the family.

3.Share the responsibilities.

4.Share the household chores among all the members.

5.Different generations contribute best of their worlds in running of the family efficiently.

6.More birthdays, more celebrations in the year.

7.Ability to adjust.

8.Tolerance threshold is higher.

9.More members in the family , there is higher diversity in ideas and solutions.

10.Usually with many members we see there are more rules in the house, which help in living a disciplined life.

Disadvantages -

1.Privacy and space issues.

2.Difference of opinions is higher as there are more opinions with more number of members in the family.

3.Amount of workload is more - quantity of cooking, washing clothes etc..

4.If application of rules are not fairly applied then rise in conflicts can be expected.

5.Size of family and it’s issues can be tackled if communication and expression of self is open and free for everyone in the house. Balance in joint duties, routine tasks and freedom of personal time and expenses have to regulated and revised from time to time.

Nuclear Family: Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantage of Nuclear Family:

(1) Development of Personality (2) Better Condition of Women (3) Less number of children (4) Peace and Harmony (5) Individual Responsibilities (6) Problem Free Unit  Disadvantages:

(1) Economic disadvantage (2) Insecurity of Children (3) Agency to Develop Bad Qualities of Inmates (4) Loneliness (5) Insecure For Old, Widow and Divorce

Answered by shilpa85475

Advantages and disadvantages of joint family and nuclear family are:

Joint family meaning in English:

  • A joint family is not just a group of people living together, it means that these people are bound by blood and choose to live in the same house for many reasons - sometimes voluntarily and sometimes out of compulsion.

Benefits (Advantages) of a joint Family:

  • With a supportive family, one thing is certain that all members will be able to communicate with each other, which helps them to know each other.
  • Individual thinking processes and ethics are always in place in a supportive family environment.
  • Children growing up in a nuclear family are slightly older than children growing up in supportive families.
  • They always seem to have a clear conscience.
  • Domestic work can be divided among women by knowing their field of expertise.

Disadvantages of a joint family:

  • Lack of privacy.
  • This is too bad to live in a shared family.
  • If you live in a shared family, then your privacy will be compromised.
  • Interference with Parenthood.
  • If you live in a large family, then raising children will be a daunting task for you.
  • Your family members may interfere with your parenting style.
  • Financial disagreement.
  • There may also be financial differences.
  • Everyone will contribute to the home fund.
  • However, the family head is in control of the situation.

Nuclear Family:

  • The nuclear family, in short, includes the husband, wife, and their unmarried children.
  • Children leave their parents' home after marriage and build their own private home.

Benefits (advantages) of the nuclear family:

  •  Children who divorce are more likely to be stable than children born out of wedlock.
  • Financial Stability Leads to More Opportunities.
  • Many nuclear families have insufficient economic stability to provide children with comfort, opportunities, and a secure environment.
  • Consistency Means Moral Success.
  • A successful nuclear family provides children with a secure environment in which to thrive.

Nuclear family disadvantages:

  • Insecurity is a feeling of window, age and divorce.
  • In a nuclear widow's family, the elders and the divorcee feel insecure as someone who will be there to take care of them.
  • Economic recession.
  • As they move separately, the family property is divided among their siblings, so the area is divided, resulting in economic losses.
  • Child insecurity.
  • Both husband and wife pursue extracurricular activities in the nuclear family, and the servants fail to care for the children.
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