History, asked by etnadajhonryan, 6 months ago

advantages and disadvantages of living in a post industrial/technological society


Answered by sinchanakr80802



Take note that I do not fully include differences in the 70s and the 80s to this decade due to the confusion that the 70s and the 80s, at least, paved the start of post-industrial society. I mainly included the differences of the post-industrial society to the other societies such as industrial society and the pre-industrial society.


The advantages of living in before post-industrial/technological society are:

- Communities before post-industrial/technological society formed close relationships such as tribes for survival.  

- In the industrial revolution (1760-1840), labor and processes were replaced by machines that perform tasks more efficiently than manual labor. Mass production of goods was created in the industrial society.

- In tribal societies, there would be a clear understanding of social taboos and the most important values within one's life and tribe. This could cause social harmony for many years because the individual would have no fear of offense as he has a clear understanding of tribal borders.*

- In feudalism, stability was a general advantage since there was a clear hierarchy of ranks and defined roles, serfs being the workers of land and providers of goods and taxes to the lords and the lords' vassals in exchange of an organized system of protection.  

The disadvantages of living before post-industrial/technological society are:

- Widespread pollution, excessive wastes, widespread deforestation, and quick rate of extinction of species

- Success is only measured by how much money a person made.

- Many social issues were still rampant.

- Quality of life was harsh enough.  

- Practical knowledge was more important than theoretical knowledge.

- Individuals in tribal societies would have a restricted level of choice and outside thinking which would lead to alternative advancements, according to Miles Garratt (2019), and one would feel the threat of outside forces within the boundaries.*

- Both feudal and tribal societies had a hierarchy; tribes basing on physical differences and feudal societies basing on ranks (kings, nobles, serfs, peasants)

- There is a great divide between the rich and the poor.

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