Geography, asked by rahulvats745, 1 year ago

Advantages and disadvantages of tubeweel?


Answered by Nshantthor


More efficient / faster / does not need to rest

-For larger area / more water / goes deeper

-Regular supply / can be used at any time of year / continuous -Less labour required

-Cleaner water

-Reduces waterlogging and salinity

Disadvantages of tube well

-Expensive / cannot be used by poor farmers

-Reduces groundwater / lowers water table


Answered by msrishti0104


The advantages of tubewell irrigation are as follows:

(i) It is an independent source of irrigation.

(ii) It brings up clean water.

(iii) It can irrigate large area of agricultural land.

(iv) It is easier to bring up large amount of water in  a short time period.

(v) It is a perennial means of irrigation as it is drilled up to permanent water table.

The disadvantages of tubewell irrigation are as follows:

(i) Excessive use of tubewell water can lead to depletion of groundwater.

(ii) It is useless if the water is brackish.

(iii) It is expensive as it requires continuous supply of electricity.

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