English, asked by jtmy, 1 year ago

advantages and disadvantages of video games essay


Answered by sai944
Virtual world or cyberspace is an environment using computer technology to create a simulated, three-dimensional world that a user can manipulate and explore while feeling as if he were in that world. In a virtual reality environment, the user experiences the feeling of being inside and a part of that world. He is also able to interact with his environment in meaningful ways. Virtually real environment has benefited the health care industry. The doctors use virtual reality products to treat phobias, addictions and other mental health needs.

However, some psychologists are concerned that virtual reality games could psychologically affect a player. They suggest that these games place a player in violent situations, particularly as the perpetuator of violence and could result in the user becoming desensitised. Some psychologists also believe that these games can lead to cyber addiction. There have been several news stories of gamers neglecting their real lives for their online, in-game presence.

Another rising concern is about criminal acts. In a virtual game, defining a criminal act has been problematic. At what point can authorities charge a person with a real crime for actions within a virtual game? Studies indicate that people can have real physical and emotional reactions to stimuli within a virtual game. Thus, it’s quite possible that a victim of a virtual attack could feel real emotional trauma. Can the attacker be punished for causing real-life distress? We don’t have answers to these questions yet.


Here are some opinions about computer games in general.

1. Encourage sedentary lifestyle

2. Too much time is wasted

3. Negative impact on health

4. Psychological imbalance

5. The games are addictive.

6. Reduce social skills

7. Promote violence and aggression

8. Detach one from reality

Answered by sharmameenal272

Advantages and disadvantages of playing video games

Computers have become an integral part of our lives and our homes. This has given children an easy access to video games and a lot of them play them all the time.

a.) What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of playing video games?

b.) How can the bad effect of computer games on children be minimized?

Computers have become indispensable in the modern times. From information to having fun, you can possibly do everything with the help of this amazing machine. For the modern day child, computers are vital and the amount of time that they devote on them has constantly been on the rise.

One of the most popular things with children when it comes to the computer are video games or the computer games. From puzzles to racing, action to sports, strategy to adventure, computer games are possibly the biggest addiction with most children. With companies such as Sony and Microsoft going all out to promote Xbox and Playstation to children worldwide, the allure to these games has only got better.

These video games not only help in making child’s brain sharper through mental stimulation but it also helps relieve them of anxiety or pain. In some cases, games have proved to aid in dyslexic kids reading better. Since adults also love playing games, it can be a time of bonding between adults and children, increasing the amount of time spent together especially when time spent by parents and children is very less nowadays.

On the other hand, the addiction to these computer games can severely harm the child. Since children keep on playing for long hours, it can lead to eye damage. The impact of excessive visual medium is evident as a large number of children these days start wearing spectacles from an early age. Long hours of playing computer games can also result in headaches and dizziness.

But, one of the biggest concerns of playing excess computer games is that a child does not go out and play. Playing outdoor sports not only increases fitness but also helps in better growth of children as they are able to adapt better socially. Some of these games are violent and that is in turn harmful for growing children as it can make them hostile.
It may not be possible to ban children from playing these games. However, parents and school have to encourage children to play outdoor sports. It is imperative that a time has to be allocated for them to play video games and adults should try and monitor the type of games being played by children.
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