Advantages if there is no friction in the world
The only advantage is you wont have to wake up every morning, because life without friction is impossible.
The very elementary things needed to survive would not be possible like:-
You cant chew food and hence you can't eat solid food also you can't take them with your hand or with spoon.
Your respiratory system and excretory systems will not work as Kidneys can't function and villi can't send things out how much ever they vibrate.
Most importantly, how do you think blood will flow in your body, if friction disappears?
What are some advantages of living without friction?
Data transfer seems difficult? Make it a seamless task!
The only advantage is you wont have to wake up every morning, because life without friction is impossible.
The very elementary things needed to survive would not be possible like:-
You cant chew food and hence you can't eat solid food also you can't take them with your hand or with spoon.
Your respiratory system and excretory systems will not work as Kidneys can't function and villi can't send things out how much ever they vibrate.