Advantages of damodar valey project
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About the corporation:
The Damodar Valley Corporation is public company which operates several power stations in the Damodar River area of West Bengal, India. The company operates both thermal power station and hydel power dams under the Indian Ministry of Power.
Benefits from the Project:
Flood control in the flood prone areas of Jharkhand and West Bengal.
Irrigation facilities to about 5.15 lakh hectares of land.
Installed capacity of 2, 60,000 KW of hydroelectricity at various dam sites.
Check on soil erosion through regulated flow of water.
Additional land reclamation for agriculture.
Navigation in Damodar River, its tributaries and channels.
Promotion of public health through control on malaria and other diseases as a result of proper drainage of water.
Encouragement to fishing in the reservoirs and other water bodies.
Promotion of tourism.
The project has provided a broad industrial base to the area.
hope it helps...