Advantages of Digital Circuits
Digital circuits have the following advantages compared to analog circuits
(i) Digital circuits can be integrated into integrated circuits circuits. They are used in television, space vehicles, auditory devices, computers, etc.
(ii) Collecting information with the help of digital circuits is easy. Information on IC's can be stored for a short time or forever.
(iii) The accuracy and precision of it More
(iv) Digital circuits can be made easily by using the appropriate logic gates.
(v) Ease of use for digital circuit with one use
(Vi) Available data from digital circuits (datas) can be used in precise calculations
(vii) Digital circuit is used in programming.
(Viii) Digital maturation In fact, the signals which we do not want in the issued signal are called 'noise'. These unwanted signals can be easily removed from the digital circuit because of the knowledge of the real value of the voltage here. Not required.
( Ix) Digital circuits are reliable and stable of cheap, light, microscopic and simple size.
The usual advantages of digital circuits when compared to analog circuits are: Noise Margin (resistance to noise/robustness) : Digital circuits are less affected by noise. If the noise is below a certain level (the noise margin), a digital circuit behaves as if there was no noise at all.