advantages of farming and domestication of animals over hunting and gathering as a way of life?
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Date:May 16, 2017Source:University of SheffieldSummary:The beginnings of agriculture changed human history and has fascinated scientists for centuries. Researchers have now shed light on how hunter-gatherers first began farming and how crops were domesticated to depend on humans.Share:

Domesticated crops have been transformed almost beyond recognition in comparison with their wild relatives - a change that happened during the early stages of farming in the Stone Age.
Credit: © nipaporn / Fotolia
The beginnings of agriculture changed human history and has fascinated scientists for centuries.

Domesticated crops have been transformed almost beyond recognition in comparison with their wild relatives - a change that happened during the early stages of farming in the Stone Age.
Credit: © nipaporn / Fotolia
The beginnings of agriculture changed human history and has fascinated scientists for centuries.
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