Advantages of joint family and nuclear family
Advantage of a big family:
Support from brother's, sister's, cousins, etc. Having a hand when needed. Learn sharing, coping skills needed in life. Self confidence, self control, learning from all family. More money if live together to put towards school, live in nicer home, place. Drive nicer cars. Always have someone there for you.
Advantage of small family:
Not sharing, more material stuff, nice homes, better food choices, travel more, have pets and give attention.
Disadvantages large families:
No alone time, sharing room, clothes. Too many people.
Not nice things, large families wear furniture, etc. at times. Less computer, game time. Slow service added money for more usage. Hand me downs, if you can't rock them. Sometimes less Freedom.
Each family is so diverse. Just be grateful you have family that wants to be around you. Families that live together are living.
Instead of wishing you had spent more time w —- when they die, or get sick. Charish what you have and be happy.