advantages of junkfoods
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They are easily available and in ready to eat stage.
So people who are in hurry to work can afford junk foods easily.
Moreover they have more calories.
So people who are in hurry to work can afford junk foods easily.
Moreover they have more calories.
Answered by
Junkfoods are not only have disadvantages, it also have advantages. They are mentioned explanation part.
- Junkfoods have both advantages and disadvantages.
- Junkfoods also known as fast foods.
- Less time consuming for preparation.
- It is available for 24/7.
- Easy to prepare.
- Ready to eat.
- Junkfoods are very tasty.
- It is favourite for kids and young age people.
- It's price is cheap and affordable.
- Junkfoods have good amount of antioxidants and they can in fact be good for the heart.
- Example of junkfoods are pizza, salted snack foods, burger, french fries, etc.
To Learn More...
1.Advantages of JUNK food
2.Advantages and disadvantages of junk food and healthy food
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